Residential Solar Panel Installation
Renewable Energy at Home
As a rapidly growing number of homeowners across the U.S. are powering their homes with solar energy, they are enjoying multiple benefits including: generous tax credits and incentives, energy independence, lower electricity bills, battery backup, at-home electric vehicle (EV) charging, reduced personal carbon footprint and more. A1’s Solar Division can help you reap these benefits of solar energy through:

Relief from Climbing Rates
As electricity rates have risen steadily across the country, homeowners have watched their bills become more unmanageable. A rooftop or ground-mounted solar panel installation from A1 can help reduce your energy expenses, along with your carbon footprint. You will simultaneously be doing something good for yourself and for the environment.
Power Grid Independence
The burden on the electricity power grid has intensified with each passing year and more frequent power outages. These outages pose dangers and inconvenience; among them: the loss of perishable food and the lack of air conditioning or heat in extreme temperatures. Solar energy paired with battery backup provides homes with independence from the unreliability of the utility power grid.
Electric Vehicle Charging at Home
Electric Vehicles (EVs) options are rapidly expanding in the personal automotive marketplace. By installing an EV charging system on site by A1, EV owners can capitalize on their vehicle’s key benefits and conveniences – at home charging, efficient vehicle performance, minimizing charging site visits and site fees.
Carbon Footprint Reduction
Solar panel home installations are the most consistent and convenient way for homeowners to be a part of better environmental sustainability efforts. Concurrently, homeowners can also personally enjoy their reduced reliance on utility companies for electric power.